Today’s : 13/12/2023

Today's History

1128: Pope Honorius II granted a papal sanction to the military order known as the Knights Templar.

1968: Johnny Cash performed live at Folsom State Prison, a performance that was later released as the album “At Folsom Prison.”

1982: Air Florida Flight 90 crashed into the 14th Street Bridge in Washington, D.C., shortly after takeoff, killing 78 people.

2001: An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.7 struck El Salvador, killing more than 800 people.

2018: The government of Hawaii mistakenly issued a false alert warning of an incoming ballistic missile, causing panic and confusion before a correction was issued.

Malta Republic Day

Republic Day in Malta is celebrated on December 13th each year. It marks the anniversary of the establishment of the Republic of Malta in 1974. On this day, Malta officially became a republic within the Commonwealth of Nations, with a president as the head of state. Before this, Malta was a constitutional monarchy with the British monarch as the head of state.

The decision to become a republic was the result of a constitutional referendum held on March 21, 1974, in which the majority of the Maltese people voted in favor of establishing a republic. The first President of Malta was Sir Anthony Mamo, who was appointed on December 13, 1974.

Republic Day is a public holiday in Malta, and celebrations typically include official ceremonies, parades, and various events to commemorate the country’s transition to a republic. It is a significant day in Maltese history, symbolizing the country’s independence and sovereignty.

Words of the Day

Verb – To Chop or Cut into Small Pieces:

Example: “She carefully minced the garlic for the pasta sauce.”
Verb – To Walk or Move in a Dainty or Delicate Manner:

Example: “He didn’t just walk; he seemed to mince along the path.”
Noun – Finely Chopped Food, Especially Meat:

Example: “The recipe called for a cup of minced onions.”
Verb – To Express in an Unassuming or Moderated Way, Often to Avoid Offending:

Example: “He didn’t mince words when giving his opinion on the matter.”
Adjective – (of Words or Style) Delicate or Refined:

Example: “The author’s prose was anything but mince; it was bold and impactful.”
Remember that the meaning of “mince” can vary depending on its context, so it’s essential to consider the surrounding words and the situation in which it’s used.

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