The Portrait of a Lady question and answer

The Portait of a Lady

Author Introduction:

Khushwant Singh (1915-2014) was an acclaimed Indian author, journalist, and humorist known for his wit, satire, and candid writing style. He was born in Hadali, British India (now in Pakistan), and later migrated to India after the partition. Khushwant Singh’s works often delved into themes related to Indian society, politics, and culture, and he had a prolific career as a writer and editor.

Summary of “The Portrait of a Lady” by Khushwant Singh:

“The Portrait of a Lady” by Khushwant Singh is a poignant and reflective short story that explores themes of love, loneliness, and the passage of time. The story is narrated by the protagonist, an unnamed man who is now in his seventies.

The story begins with the narrator’s recollections of his youth when he was twenty-one years old. At that time, he was living in Lahore and fell in love with a beautiful girl named Aruna. He recalls her physical beauty and charm and how he was captivated by her.

However, as he looks back on his life, the narrator realizes that he never pursued a romantic relationship with Aruna. Instead, he chose to be cautious and practical, not wanting to jeopardize his future by marrying too young. He also reflects on how Aruna eventually married someone else and had a family.

As the narrator reflects on the passing years, he acknowledges that he has grown old and lonely. He is filled with regret for not having pursued love and companionship when he had the chance. He compares his current state to that of Aruna, who has likely aged as well, and he wonders if she ever thinks of him.

The story beautifully captures the bittersweet nostalgia of old age and the regret that can accompany missed opportunities in life. It serves as a poignant reminder of the choices we make and the lasting impact they can have on our happiness and fulfillment.

Question and Answer

1. Who is the author of “The Portrait of a Lady”?

Khushwant Singh.
2. What are the main themes explored in the story?

Love, loneliness, and the passage of time.
3. How does the story begin?

It begins with the narrator’s recollections of his youth.
4. Where does the story take place?

The story is set in Lahore.
5. Who is the protagonist of the story?

An unnamed man in his seventies.
6. What is the narrator’s age when he falls in love with Aruna?

Twenty-one years old.
7. Why does the narrator choose not to pursue a romantic relationship with Aruna?

He wants to be cautious and practical, not wanting to jeopardize his future.
8. What does the narrator regret as he looks back on his life?

He regrets not pursuing love and companionship when he had the chance.
9. How does the narrator describe Aruna’s physical appearance?

He describes her as beautiful and charming.
10. What does the narrator compare his current state to?

He compares it to that of Aruna and wonders if she thinks of him.
11. What emotions does the story evoke?

Nostalgia, regret, and a sense of missed opportunities.
12. Where was Khushwant Singh born?

He was born in Hadali, British India (now in Pakistan).
13. What is Khushwant Singh known for in his writing?

He is known for his wit, satire, and candid writing style.
14. What is the central message of “The Portrait of a Lady”?

The story serves as a reminder of the choices we make in life and their lasting impact on our happiness.
15. How does the story explore the theme of time?

It reflects on the passage of time and the changes it brings to the characters’ lives.
16. What happens to Aruna in the story?

Aruna eventually marries someone else and has a family.
17. How does the story portray the protagonist’s feelings in old age?

The protagonist feels old and lonely, filled with regret for not pursuing love.
18. Why does the narrator feel a sense of missed opportunities?

He feels that he missed the chance for love and companionship in his youth.
19. How does the story capture the essence of nostalgia?

It evokes a bittersweet sense of nostalgia for the past and the choices that were not made.
20. What is the significance of the title, “The Portrait of a Lady”?

The title suggests a reflection on the memory of a woman from the protagonist’s past and the impact she had on his life.

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