The Doctor’s Word question and answer

The Doctor’s Word

Author Introduction:
R.K. Narayan (1906-2001) was an Indian writer known for his prolific contributions to Indian literature in English. He is celebrated for his novels and short stories set in the fictional town of Malgudi, which serves as the backdrop for much of his work. Narayan’s writing is characterized by its simplicity, wit, and keen observation of everyday life. His works often explore the lives of ordinary people in India, highlighting their dreams, aspirations, and challenges.

Summary of “The Doctor’s Word”:
“The Doctor’s Word” is a short story by R.K. Narayan that revolves around the life of Dr. Raman, a dedicated and honest physician practicing in the town of Malgudi. Dr. Raman is well-respected and trusted by the townspeople for his medical expertise and integrity.

The story unfolds when a wealthy businessman named Shyama, who is known for his arrogance and ostentatious lifestyle, falls seriously ill. Shyama’s condition deteriorates rapidly, and his family is concerned about his well-being. They decide to consult Dr. Raman, despite their initial reluctance due to his straightforward and candid nature.

Dr. Raman examines Shyama and diagnoses him with a severe illness that requires immediate surgery. He advises the family to transfer Shyama to the hospital for the operation. However, Shyama’s family is hesitant to follow Dr. Raman’s recommendation because they believe that a surgery would be an admission of their inability to cure him with traditional remedies.

As Shyama’s condition worsens, Dr. Raman continues to insist on the urgency of the surgery. He emphasizes the need to prioritize the patient’s life over their social status and reputation. Despite the family’s initial resistance, they eventually agree to the surgery.

Dr. Raman successfully performs the operation, saving Shyama’s life. The businessman’s family is grateful and relieved. They realize the importance of trusting the doctor’s expertise and adhering to his advice, regardless of their pride and preconceived notions.

“The Doctor’s Word” serves as a reflection on the value of humility, trust in medical professionals, and the importance of prioritizing life over social status. It highlights Dr. Raman’s unwavering dedication to his profession and his commitment to the well-being of his patients, even in the face of resistance from those who question his judgment.

Question and answer

1. Why did the patients visit Dr. Raman only when they were hopeless?
Answer: The patients and their relatives knew well that Dr. Raman was an expert doctor, yet they visited him as a last resort because Dr. Raman charged a visiting fee of twenty-five rupees per patient, which was unaffordable for most of the poor patients. Additionally, Dr. Raman had a reputation for providing candid and unfiltered assessments of a patient’s condition, which often scared both patients and their families, making them reluctant to seek his opinion until all hope seemed lost.

2. What impression of Dr. Raman do you get from the passage?
Answer: The passage paints a portrait of Dr. Raman as an exceptionally skilled and forthright physician. He had a reputation for delivering candid assessments of his patients’ conditions, regardless of the severity of the prognosis. Dr. Raman’s unwavering dedication to his profession and his commitment to delivering accurate diagnoses made him a respected figure in the medical field. He cared little about societal judgments or what others thought of him, prioritizing the well-being of his patients above all else. Dr. Raman’s diagnostic prowess was so remarkable that he could even discern subtle signs of potential recovery and was willing to go to great lengths to fight for his patients’ lives, challenging the very boundaries of mortality.

3. How does the writer describe the friendship between Dr. Raman and Gopal?
Answer: Dr. Raman and Gopal’s friendship had deep roots that stretched back to their kindergarten days. While the demands of family and profession kept them apart and they couldn’t meet frequently in later life, their bond remained unshaken. Dr. Raman was often occupied with his medical practice, and their visits became limited to Sundays. Despite the infrequent meetings, when they did come together, they cherished each other’s company. They would dine together, enjoy a film, and engage in conversations about their respective lives and activities. Their friendship was a classic example of enduring camaraderie, untouched by the passage of time, changing circumstances, or their individual pursuits.

4. How did Dr. Raman come to know about Gopal’s illness?
Answer: Dr. Raman and Gopal shared a close friendship, with Gopal regularly visiting Dr. Raman’s clinic every Sunday. However, there came a point when Gopal had not been able to visit for three months. Due to his own busy schedule, Dr. Raman had not immediately noticed Gopal’s absence. It was only when Gopal’s son informed Dr. Raman that his father was ill that he became aware of the situation. Upon hearing this, Dr. Raman rushed to Gopal’s house to attend to his ailing friend.

5. Why didn’t Gopal’s wife call for Dr. Raman earlier?
Answer: Gopal’s wife refrained from summoning Dr. Raman earlier because she was aware of his incredibly busy schedule. Dr. Raman had a reputation as a doctor who was always occupied with his medical practice, leaving him with little time to attend to house calls. So, when Gopal initially fell ill, she hesitated to disturb him in the midst of his hectic professional life. It was only when Gopal’s condition deteriorated significantly, and the local doctor’s efforts proved inadequate, that she finally decided to call for Dr. Raman’s assistance.

6. What steps did the doctor take to save his friend from death?
Answer: Dr. Raman, upon receiving the distressing news of Gopal’s illness, immediately rushed to Gopal’s residence. Witnessing the gravity of his friend’s condition, tears welled up in Dr. Raman’s eyes. He swiftly prepared an injection and administered the necessary drug. Dr. Raman vigilantly monitored Gopal’s symptoms. When it became apparent that there was no improvement in the patient’s condition, Dr. Raman made the critical decision to arrange for a life-saving surgical operation in a determined effort to save his friend’s life.

7. What was Dr. Raman’s reaction when his assistant said, “Sir, he will pull through”?
Answer: After performing a critical operation on Gopal, there was a moment when Gopal showed some signs of improvement. His assistant, filled with hope, exclaimed, “Sir, he will pull through.” However, Dr. Raman responded with a sense of detachment and caution. He replied coldly, “Don’t trust it. It is only a will to keep up until eight in the morning, it will go on for the next forty years, but I doubt it.”

8. What was Dr. Raman’s response when Gopal’s wife asked about his condition?
Answer: After Gopal had been through a few hours of the operation, he opened his eyes, smiled at the doctor, and even managed to eat some food. This improvement led the family members to believe that the danger had passed. However, Dr. Raman remained somber and concerned. Gopal’s wife, eager for information, inquired about her husband’s condition, asking the doctor how he was. In response, the doctor, along with another doctor present, chose not to provide immediate reassurance. They simply replied, “Don’t get excited. I would rather not talk to you now.”

9. Why did Gopal ask Dr. Raman, “Am I going?” What was he anxious about?
Answer: Gopal asked Dr. Raman, “Am I going?” because he overheard his wife weeping after learning about his critical condition. This made him anxious, and he wanted to confirm whether he was going to die. His anxiety was about the possibility of his impending death.

10. Was Dr. Raman upset by this question? Give your reasons.
Answer: Yes, Dr. Raman was upset by Gopal’s question. It deeply affected him because Gopal was not just a patient but also his best friend. Dr. Raman was aware that his words held great weight and influence. Telling his best friend that he was going to die was a heavy burden, and it went against his nature to deliver such news.

11. Why did Dr. Raman decide to tell a lie?
Answer: Dr. Raman decided to tell a lie to reassure Gopal and save his life psychologically. Gopal had asked for a paper to make a will in favor of his children, indicating his belief that he was going to die. Dr. Raman realized that if he gave Gopal the will, it might hasten his death due to the psychological impact. To prevent this, he went against his usual honesty and told Gopal a lie to give him hope and comfort.

12. How did he answer Gopal’s question?
Answer: Dr. Raman answered Gopal’s question by saying, “Gopal, listen! Don’t worry about the will now. You are going to live; your heart is absolutely sound.” He provided a reassuring and false declaration of Gopal’s health to boost his spirits and prevent any negative psychological impact.

13. How did Gopal accept Dr. Raman’s words?
Answer: Gopal had known Dr. Raman since childhood and had complete trust in his integrity. When Dr. Raman told him that he would live and that his heart was perfectly fine, Gopal accepted these words with delight and relief. His face lit up with joy, and he expressed trust in Dr. Raman’s words, falling asleep happily.

14. Did Dr. Raman believe that his patient would recover that night? Why do you think so?
Answer: Dr. Raman did not believe that his patient would recover that night because he had mentioned to his assistant that the patient’s life might collapse at any moment. He even prepared a tube of poison in case Gopal experienced intense pain and wished for a peaceful death. Additionally, when Gopal’s wife asked about her husband’s condition, Dr. Raman had told her that nothing could be said for certain until the next morning.

15. “Don’t look so unhappy, lady.” Why does Dr. Raman say so?
Answer: Dr. Raman said, “Don’t look so unhappy, lady,” because Gopal’s wife was visibly distressed and worried about her husband’s condition. Dr. Raman had earlier expressed uncertainty about the outcome until the next morning. When the patient’s condition improved significantly the next day, Dr. Raman reassured her that her husband would live to be ninety, trying to ease her anxiety and distress.

16. Does human life hang on a doctor’s word? Give a reasoned answer. ?

Human life does not solely hang on a doctor’s word, but a doctor’s diagnosis and prognosis can significantly impact a patient’s psychological and emotional well-being, which, in turn, can influence the course of their illness. A doctor’s words carry immense weight in a patient’s mind, as they are considered experts in matters of health and medicine. When a doctor provides a positive outlook or prognosis, it can boost a patient’s morale and will to fight their illness.

Conversely, if a doctor delivers a bleak prognosis or conveys that a patient’s condition is grave, it can lead to anxiety, stress, and despair, which may negatively affect the patient’s mental and physical state. This psychological impact can sometimes become a self-fulfilling prophecy, as a patient’s belief in their recovery and their will to fight the illness can play a crucial role in the healing process.

While a doctor’s expertise and medical interventions are vital in treating illnesses, the patient’s mindset, family support, and overall health also contribute to the outcome. Therefore, while a doctor’s word can significantly influence a patient’s outlook, it is not the sole determinant of a patient’s fate, and various factors come into play in the complex journey of illness and recovery.

Additional question and answer

1. How did Dr. Raman’s approach to medicine differ from traditional remedies?
Ans: Dr. Raman’s approach to medicine was rooted in modern medical science and diagnosis. He believed in making accurate diagnoses and providing appropriate medical interventions based on scientific knowledge. In contrast, traditional remedies often involved more traditional or cultural practices and beliefs, which Dr. Raman considered ineffective or insufficient for treating serious medical conditions. He emphasized the importance of surgeries and medical procedures backed by scientific understanding.

2. How did the wealthy patients view Dr. Raman’s diagnosis and treatment recommendations?
Ans: The wealthy patients initially viewed Dr. Raman’s diagnosis and treatment recommendations skeptically. They were accustomed to a lifestyle that often involved traditional remedies and superstitions. Dr. Raman’s straightforward and no-nonsense approach was a contrast to what they were used to. They were hesitant to accept his advice for surgery, preferring to rely on traditional methods and delaying the necessary medical interventions.

3. What role did social status play in the patients’ decisions regarding medical treatment?
Ans: Social status played a significant role in the patients’ decisions regarding medical treatment. The wealthy patients were concerned about their reputation and social standing, which influenced their hesitancy to accept the need for surgery. They were worried that seeking surgical intervention might be seen as a sign of weakness or incompetence. Their social status and fear of societal judgment initially hindered them from making a timely and critical decision for the patient’s health.

4. How did Dr. Raman prioritize the patients’ well-being over social considerations?
Ans: Dr. Raman prioritized the patients’ well-being over social considerations by insisting on the urgency of the surgery, regardless of the family’s social status or concerns about reputation. He emphasized the critical nature of the medical condition and stressed the need for immediate medical intervention to save the patient’s life. Dr. Raman made it clear that the priority should be the patient’s health and survival, setting aside any concerns related to societal judgments or social status.

5. How did Dr. Raman’s dedication to his profession influence the outcomes for his patients?
Ans: Dr. Raman’s dedication to his profession was instrumental in influencing positive outcomes for his patients. His commitment to providing accurate diagnoses, timely medical recommendations, and necessary surgeries showcased his dedication to saving lives. Despite resistance or skepticism from patients and their families, Dr. Raman stood firm in prioritizing medical science and expertise. His dedication ensured that patients received appropriate medical care, leading to successful treatment and recovery.

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