Oft, in The Stilly Night question and answer

Oft, in The Stilly Night

Introducing the Poet

Thomas Moore (1779 – 1852) was an Irish poet, satirist, composer, and political propagandist known for his lyrical and musical talents.


Memories, whether sweet or sorrowful, hold a special place in our hearts. We often cherish fond memories, and for the elderly, these recollections of friendships and past experiences can be particularly meaningful. Nostalgia has a way of lingering with them. In this poem, Thomas Moore delves into the realms of memories, both past and present. It stands as one of Moore’s finest works, seamlessly blending words and music while showcasing his exceptional poetic prowess. As you read this poem, take note of how the poet yearns for days gone by and reminisces about dear ones who have since departed.

In the tranquil and quiet night, when sleep is elusive, the poet’s mind is visited by fond memories of days gone by. He reminisces about his boyhood, recalling the smiles and tears of that time, as well as the passionate days of his youth. These memories evoke images of his younger self, filled with elegance and vibrant eyes. However, the passage of time has taken its toll. The once-shining eyes have dimmed, and the tender heart has been shattered. The stillness of the night brings forth these melancholic memories of his past.

As the poet reflects in the silent night, he also remembers his friends from the past. Once, he had many friends, and his days were filled with joy in their company. However, like leaves falling in winter, they have all disappeared from his life. Now, he finds himself alone and friendless, wandering in an empty banquet hall. The garlands have withered, the lights have faded, and all have departed, leaving only the aging poet, Thomas Moore.

The poet emphasizes that these feelings of sadness often arise during the quiet nights of old age when one may feel isolated and desolate.

Question and Answer

1. When do the memories of the past occur to the poet?
Ans: The memories of the past often occur to the poet in the still night when the chains of sleep fail to bind him.

2. What does ‘other days’ mean?
Ans: ‘Other days’ refer to the memories of the past.

Are the memories of boyhood sweet or sad? Quote the line in support of your answer. How does 3. The poet grieve for his dear ones who have passed away?
Ans: The memories of boyhood are both sweet and sad. The line supporting this is, “The smiles, the tears of boyhood years.” The poet grieves for his dear ones by expressing that their once-shining eyes have now dimmed and they have passed away.

4. How does he recall his friends?
Ans: He recalls his friends by saying, “I remember all the friends, so linked together—They have fallen now. They have passed away.”

5. Does the poet feel lonely in the absence of his near and dear ones? Quote the line in support of your answer.
Ans: Yes, the poet feels lonely in the absence of his near and dear ones. The line supporting this is, “I feel like one who treads alone at some banquet—hall deserted, whose lights are fled, whose garlands are dead.”

6. Simile is a figure of speech used to make a comparison between two unlike things using ‘as’ or ‘like’. What figure of speech does the poet use to express his loneliness?
Ans: To express his loneliness, the poet uses a simile. It is when he compares himself to someone who treads alone at a deserted banquet hall.

7. The figure of speech used to attribute human characteristics to inanimate objects or beings is called personification. Give an example of personification used in the poem.
Ans: An example of personification used in the poem is, “I feel like one who treads alone at some banquet—hall deserted, whose lights are fled, whose garlands are dead.” In this line, the banquet hall is personified as if it has feelings and experiences.

Additional Question and Answer

Q: What memories does the poet reflect on during the tranquil night?

A: The poet reflects on memories of his boyhood, the smiles and tears of that time, and the passionate days of his youth.
Q: How does the passage of time impact the poet’s perception of himself?

A: The passage of time has dimmed the once-shining eyes of the poet and shattered his tender heart, highlighting the toll that aging has taken on him.
Q: What images does the poet associate with his younger self?

A: The poet associates images of elegance and vibrant eyes with his younger self.
Q: How does the poet describe the stillness of the night in relation to his memories?

A: The stillness of the night brings forth melancholic memories of the poet’s past.
Q: What does the poet recall about his friends from the past?

A: The poet recalls that, once, he had many friends, and his days were filled with joy in their company.
Q: How does the poet metaphorically describe the disappearance of his friends?

A: The poet metaphorically compares his friends disappearing from his life to leaves falling in winter.
Q: What is the poet’s current state in terms of friendship?

A: The poet finds himself alone and friendless, wandering in an empty banquet hall, emphasizing the absence of companionship.
Q: What symbols does the poet use to depict the departure of his friends?

A: The garlands have withered, the lights have faded, and all have departed, symbolizing the transient nature of friendship.
Q: How does the poet describe the current condition of the banquet hall?

A: The banquet hall is described as empty, devoid of the once-present joy and camaraderie.
Q: When does the poet express these feelings of sadness most intensely?

A: The poet expresses these feelings of sadness most intensely during the quiet nights of old age when one may feel isolated and desolate.

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