Mystery of the Missing Cap question and answer

Mystery of the Missing Cap

Author Introduction:

Manoj Das (1934-2021) was an acclaimed Indian author and a prominent figure in Indian English literature. Born in the state of Odisha, India, Das was known for his profound storytelling skills, often blending elements of spirituality, philosophy, and the supernatural in his works. His writings encompassed various genres, including short stories, novels, essays, and poetry. Throughout his literary career, Manoj Das received numerous awards and accolades for his contributions to literature, making him one of India’s most celebrated authors.

Summary of “Mystery of the Missing Cap”:

“Mystery of the Missing Cap” is one of Manoj Das’s renowned short stories, known for its intriguing plot and exploration of human nature. The story revolves around the peculiar incident of a missing cap, which leads to unexpected revelations.

The tale unfolds in a small Indian village where the village head, known as the “Patel,” is missing his favorite and distinctive cap. The Patel is a respected and somewhat authoritarian figure in the village, and his cap is a symbol of his authority. The news of the missing cap spreads like wildfire, and the entire village is abuzz with speculations and rumors.

The mystery deepens when a series of bizarre incidents occurs. People begin behaving strangely, and the villagers believe that these peculiar events are somehow linked to the missing cap. Superstitions and fear grip the community, and they seek to uncover the truth behind the cap’s disappearance.

As the story progresses, the author skillfully explores the human tendency to attribute significance to objects and symbols, often assigning them powers beyond their physical attributes. The narrative delves into the psychological and emotional dimensions of the characters as they grapple with their beliefs and fears.

Ultimately, “Mystery of the Missing Cap” serves as a thought-provoking commentary on the complexities of human nature, belief systems, and the influence of authority and symbols within a community. Manoj Das’s storytelling prowess shines through in this captivating tale, making it a memorable addition to his body of work.

Question and Answer

1. What impression of Sri Moharana do you get from the text?

Ans: Sri Moharana, as depicted in the text, comes across as a prosperous and respected individual in his uncle’s village. He owns an impressive house that stands out among the neighboring villages. People admire his house when they pass by, indicating his status. He is known for his generosity and conscientious nature. Sri Moharana is portrayed as a contented and hospitable person, with well-maintained ponds filled with choice fish and a herd of cared-for cows. Additionally, he is depicted as a patriot and ambitious individual who aspires to enter the state legislature with the support of Minister Babu Virkishore.

2. Who is Babu Virkishore? How does the narrator describe him?
Ans: Babu Virkishore is a significant figure in the text and holds the position of Minister of Fisheries and Fine Arts. He hails from the same district as Sri Moharana. The narrator describes him as a “swadeshi” minister, which implies that he is aligned with nationalist or indigenous movements. The term “swadeshi” in the context of Indian history often refers to advocating for local self-sufficiency and boycotting foreign goods. The narrator’s description suggests that Babu Virkishore is associated with patriotic and nationalist ideals.

3. What idea of the narrator do you get from this unit of the text?
Ans: From this unit of the text, it becomes apparent that the narrator is an observant individual who pays close attention to the people and events in his surroundings. As a young boy at the time, he had the opportunity to visit his uncle’s house, which allowed him to closely observe Sri Moharana and the preparations for Minister Babu Virkishore’s reception. The narrator does not appear to have any critical or mocking intentions but aims to provide an engaging and descriptive account of the situation. His narrative style is focused on offering readers an insightful and vivid portrayal of the characters and events.

4. How does the narrator recount the preparation for the minister’s reception?
Ans: The narrator recounts that Sri Moharana was diligently preparing for the reception of Minister Babu Virkishore. The preparations involved various aspects, such as arranging for school children to practice a welcome song, adorning a large ancestral cane chair with a linen cover, and having the women in the village ready to blow conch shells as a welcoming gesture when the minister arrived. The narrator’s description highlights the elaborate and meticulous nature of the preparations, emphasizing the significance of the event and Sri Moharana’s aspirations in hosting it.

5. How does the narrator describe the procession of the minister in the village?

Ans: The minister’s arrival in the village is described as a grand and enthusiastic event. As the minister’s jeep reached the outskirts of the village near a gate, the villagers greeted him with loud cheers, shouting slogans like “Babu Veer Kishore Ki Jai” and “Bharat Mata Ki Jai.” The minister alighted from the jeep, and Sri Moharana garlanded him, signifying a warm welcome. The minister was then led to Sri Moharana’s house in a procession filled with energetic slogans and cheering. Even small children joined the procession with curiosity. During the procession, the minister placed his hand on Sri Moharana, which made him feel honored and credited for the successful reception.

6. How did Sri Moharana entertain the guests?
Ans: Sri Moharana ensured that his guests were well-entertained during the reception. Upon their arrival at his house, he offered them tender coconut juice as a refreshing drink. Subsequently, a lavish lunch was served to the guests, consisting of twenty different dishes along with sweetened ghee-baked rice. The minister enjoyed a hearty meal before retiring to rest. This description illustrates Sri Moharana’s hospitality and efforts to make the guests feel welcomed and well-fed.

7. How did the minister’s cap disappear?

Ans: The disappearance of the minister’s cap was a mysterious event. After the minister, Babu Veer Kishore, had finished his meal and retired to bed, he placed his cap on the table in the room. The front door of the room was closed, and there were people on guard there. However, the rear side window was left open. It was through this open window that Sri Moharana’s domesticated monkey, Jhandoo, entered the room, took the minister’s cap, placed it on the table, and then made his way into the nearby grove. This cunning act resulted in the minister’s cap vanishing from the room.

8. How did the minister’s officials react to the disappearance of the cap?
Ans: The disappearance of the minister’s cap caused great confusion among his officials. After a thorough search of the room, they could not find the missing cap. In response, they speculated that it might be the result of a deep-rooted conspiracy. The public relations officer even commented that the minister was not so concerned about losing the cap as he was about the manner in which it disappeared. This incident left the officials perplexed and suspicious.

9. How did Sri Moharana feel about the loss of the cap?
Ans: When the minister’s cap went missing, Sri Moharana became visibly distressed. He started shaking and began sweating profusely, like an ice-cream stick melting rapidly on a hot day. The loss of the cap had a significant impact on his composure, and he appeared quite agitated.

10. How did he feel when he came to know the cause of the missing cap?
Ans: When Sri Moharana learned that his domesticated monkey, Jhandoo, was responsible for the disappearance of the minister’s cap, his initial reaction was one of surprise and concern. He stood momentarily, his eyes closed. However, he soon broke into a smile, showing some relief. He even patted the narrator and requested him not to disclose the truth to anyone. Sri Moharana promised to reward the narrator for maintaining secrecy.

11. What was the effect of the disappearance of the cap on the ceremony?
Ans: The disappearance of the minister’s cap had a dampening effect on the entire ceremony. It created an atmosphere of anxiety and tension. The minister’s room, where the incident took place, became unusually silent, with only intermittent coughing sounds heard. This unexpected turn of events had a negative impact on the spirit of the people gathered in the courtyard and on the veranda, casting a shadow over the celebratory mood.

12. How did the narrator’s pals react to the situation?
Ans: The narrator’s pals were deeply concerned about the situation. They expressed a range of opinions and speculations regarding the missing cap. Some believed that the thief would face severe consequences, such as hanging from the big banyan tree near the river, which had been prepared for the occasion. Others thought that all the villagers might be thrown into jail due to the cap’s disappearance. There were even suggestions that the minister’s cap possessed some kind of ministerial power, further adding to the intrigue and uncertainty surrounding the incident.

13. How did the narrator describe the opening ceremony?

Ans: The opening ceremony was described as a grand event. The minister, Babu Veer Kishore, and Sri Maharana made their way to the reception pandal. The minister took his seat, and the atmosphere was filled with anticipation. Sri Moharana’s niece, a high school-educated girl, had the honor of garlanding the minister as a gesture of welcome. Following this, a chorus of singers, accompanied by musical instruments in a kirtan style, performed a song titled “O mighty minister.” Sri Moharana, full of energy and enthusiasm, took hold of the microphone and delivered a passionate and fiery speech.

14. How did Mr. Moharana explain the reason behind the missing cap?
Ans: Mr. Moharana came up with a creative and humorous explanation for the missing cap. He declared that the minister’s cap was not truly lost; instead, a nobleman from the local area had taken it with the intention of preserving and worshiping it. According to Mr. Moharana, if the nobleman had openly requested the cap from the minister, out of humility, the minister might have hesitated to part with it. Therefore, the nobleman chose to take it secretly. In lieu of the cap, the nobleman sent a generous sum of one hundred and one rupees to the minister, suggesting that this money should be used for the welfare of the poor people. Mr. Moharana’s explanation added an element of humor and cleverness to the situation.

15. What impression of Sri Moharana do you get from this unit of the text?
Ans: From this unit of the text, Sri Moharana comes across as a cultured and ambitious individual. He is shown to be someone who values truth and honesty, and he aspires to enter the world of politics. Sri Moharana’s ability to handle situations cleverly and his presence of mind are evident when he explains the missing cap incident in a creative manner. While he is willing to use a clever explanation on this occasion, it’s clear that he is not comfortable with lying and holds himself to a high standard of integrity. Overall, Sri Moharana appears as a well-rounded and innovative personality.

16. How did the minister find out the mystery of the missing cap?

Ans: The minister learned the truth about the missing cap when, upon his departure, Jhandoo, the domesticated monkey, presented him with the cap. The minister, visibly surprised, inquired if this was the same cap that the nobleman had taken. In response, Sri Moharana, with a sense of humor, stated that the monkey, Jhandoo, was indeed the “nobleman” who had taken the cap. This revelation resolved the mystery of the missing cap.

17. What role did Jhandoo play in the story? Did he bring an anti-climax to the story? Give your reasons.
Ans: Jhandoo played a crucial role in the story by taking the minister’s cap when he was asleep. His actions set off a chain of events, including the elaborate and imaginative story concocted by Sri Moharana to explain the cap’s disappearance. Jhandoo’s role added humor and intrigue to the narrative, and his return of the cap to the minister provided the story with a lighthearted resolution. In a way, Jhandoo’s actions brought an anti-climax to the story, as the mystery was resolved in an unexpected and amusing manner, shifting the focus away from politics and highlighting the comedic aspect of the situation.

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