In London In Minus Fours question and answer

In London In Minus Fours

Introducing the author:

Louis Fischer (1896–1970) is a distinguished American writer, columnist, and world affairs analyst. He holds a unique place among admirers of Mahatma Gandhi in the Western world. Fischer closely studied the life and teachings of Mahatma Gandhi in his book “Life of Mahatma Gandhi” (1950).


The Second Round Table Conference in London is a significant milestone in the history of the Indian freedom movement. It took place from September 7, 1931, to December 1, 1931. The essay “In London in Minus Fours” is a chapter in “The Life of Mahatma Gandhi.” In this essay, the author portrays Gandhiji more as a compassionate human being than just a politician. Let’s explore how the author describes Gandhiji’s arrival and stay in London as India’s emissary to the Second Round Table Conference.

Gandhi embarked from Bombay on the S.S. Rajputana at noon on August 29, 1931. He was accompanied by his youngest son, Devadas, his chief secretary Mahadev Desai (whom he humorously referred to as “out-Boswelling Boswell”), Miss Slade, Pyarelal Nayyar, an aide, G.D. Birla, the textile millionaire, Pandit Malaviya, and Mrs. Naidu. Gandhi was on his way as the sole delegate of Congress to the Second Round Table Conference in London. No additional delegates were needed since he spoke for the entire organization and a significant segment of vocal India.

During his stay in London from September 12th to December 5th, Gandhi resided mostly at Kingsley Hall, an East Settlement House, as the guest of Muriel Lester, who had visited him in 1926. In the mornings, he took walks through the nearby slum areas. As he walked, men and women on their way to work would greet him with smiles, engaging in conversations, and even inviting him into their homes. Children affectionately called him “Uncle Gandhi” and approached him, holding his hand. One mischievous youngster once called out, “Hey, Gandhi, where’s your trousers?” The Mahatma responded with a hearty laugh.

Question and Answer


1. Why was Gandhi chosen as the sole delegate of Congress to the Second Round Table Conference?

Answer: Gandhi was selected as the sole delegate because he was the true spokesperson for the Congress and represented the voice of a significant portion of the Indian population.
2. How did Gandhi forge friendships with the men and women from the slum areas of London?

Answer: During his stay in London, Gandhi connected with the residents of slum areas through his morning walks. He greeted and conversed with them, even visiting their homes. This interaction created a warm bond between them.

1. What was Gandhi’s response to journalists’ inquiries about his attire?

Answer: When questioned about his attire, Gandhi humorously replied that while the British wore “plus fours,” his clothing could be described as “minus fours.”
2. What was Gandhi wearing when he met King George V?

Answer: Gandhi adhered to his customary attire when meeting King George V, which included a loincloth, sandals, a shawl, and a hanging dollar watch.
3. How did Gandhi respond when asked if he had enough clothing when meeting the King?

Answer: During his meeting with King George V, when asked if he had enough clothing, Gandhi wittily retorted that the King had sufficient attire for both of them.
4. How did Gandhi spend his time in London?

Answer: Gandhi enjoyed his time in London by engaging with dignified personalities, such as Lord Irwin, Prime Minister David Lloyd George, the Archbishop of Canterbury, Field Marshal Smuts, and Bernard Shaw. He also addressed public meetings, although Winston Churchill declined to meet him.
5. What was Gandhi’s vision for a free India within the Commonwealth?

Answer: Gandhi envisioned a free India that would sever all ties with British colonial rule but remain within the Commonwealth as an equal partner with other member nations.
6. What did Gandhi mean by ‘creative interdependence’ of the member nations of the Commonwealth?

Answer: ‘Creative interdependence’ for Gandhi meant fostering mutual assistance and cooperation among Commonwealth member nations. He desired to see these nations bound by bonds of love, friendship, collaboration, progress, prosperity, unity, and security.

1. Which qualities in Gandhi endeared him to his opponents and turned them into friends?

Answer: Gandhi’s qualities of love, warmth, humility, frankness, and his unwavering commitment to non-violence and humanity turned his opponents into friends.
2. How did Gandhi manage to make friends even among those he had criticized or hurt?

Answer: Gandhi established friendships with those he had criticized or hurt by engaging with them openly and warmly.
3. What was Gandhi’s mission in London outside the Round Table Conference?

Answer: Gandhi’s mission in London, apart from the Round Table Conference, was to soften the British attitude and spread the values of love and faith among the people. He aimed to sow the seeds of love and friendship, hoping to transform the harsh British spirit.
4. Why did the Second Round Table Conference fail to reach an agreement?

Answer: The Second Round Table Conference failed to reach an agreement because the British government, led by Lord Reading, refused to make substantial concessions regarding India’s demand for freedom. The British were resolute in their stance of maintaining colonial rule in India.
5. How did Gandhi treat the Scotland Yard detectives?

Answer: Gandhi treated the Scotland Yard detectives assigned to him with warmth, equality, and friendship. He visited their homes, openly interacted with them during public events, and even sent them watches from India, reflecting his deep personal regard for them.

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