Childhood Question and answer


Introduction to the Author:
Jawaharlal Nehru (1889-1964) was an Indian nationalist leader, politician, and the first Prime Minister of India. He played a pivotal role in the Indian independence movement against British colonial rule and was a prominent figure in shaping the destiny of post-independence India. Nehru was a prolific writer and orator, and his writings include autobiographical works, letters, speeches, and essays. He was known for his commitment to democratic ideals, secularism, and social justice.

“Childhood” is a chapter from Jawaharlal Nehru’s autobiography titled “The Discovery of India.” In this chapter, Nehru provides a vivid and heartfelt account of his early childhood memories. He reflects on the experiences, influences, and events that shaped his formative years.

Nehru begins by describing his ancestral home in Allahabad, which was a large, old house filled with nooks and crannies that served as a perfect playground for a curious and adventurous child. He recalls the stories his parents and grandparents would tell him, instilling in him a love for India’s rich history and culture.

Nehru shares anecdotes about his parents, particularly his father, Motilal Nehru, who was a prominent lawyer and political leader. He describes his father’s elegance, fondness for Western-style clothing, and the imposing library filled with books that nurtured Nehru’s intellectual curiosity.

The chapter delves into Nehru’s early education, both at home and in British schools, highlighting his love for books and learning. He talks about his tutor, Ferdinand Brooks, who introduced him to a wide range of subjects, including science, literature, and philosophy.

Nehru also reflects on his relationship with his beloved sister, Vijaya, and the strong bond they shared. He narrates incidents that reveal his mischievous side as a child, like an incident involving stealing fruit from a neighbor’s orchard and a daring escapade to explore the mysterious attic of their house.

Throughout “Childhood,” Nehru’s narrative is infused with nostalgia, warmth, and a deep sense of attachment to his family, home, and the cultural heritage of India. It provides readers with insights into the early influences that shaped the mind of one of India’s most prominent leaders and statesmen.

Question and Answer

1. Who is the author of “Childhood”?

The author of “Childhood” is Jawaharlal Nehru.
2. What is “Childhood” a chapter from?

“Childhood” is a chapter from Nehru’s autobiography, “The Discovery of India.”
3. Where is Nehru’s ancestral home located?

Nehru’s ancestral home is located in Allahabad.
4. What does Nehru describe as a perfect playground for a curious child?

Nehru describes his ancestral home in Allahabad as a perfect playground for a curious child.
5. What influenced Nehru’s love for India’s history and culture?

Nehru’s parents and grandparents influenced his love for India’s history and culture by sharing stories with him.
6. Who was Nehru’s father, and what was his profession?

Nehru’s father was Motilal Nehru, a prominent lawyer and political leader.
7. What did Motilal Nehru’s library contain?

Motilal Nehru’s library contained a vast collection of books that nurtured Nehru’s intellectual curiosity.
8. Who was Nehru’s tutor, and what subjects did he introduce Nehru to?

Nehru’s tutor was Ferdinand Brooks, who introduced him to subjects such as science, literature, and philosophy.
9. What kind of bond did Nehru share with his sister, Vijaya?

Nehru shared a deep and affectionate bond with his sister, Vijaya.
10. What does Nehru recall about his early education?

Nehru recalls both home-based and British school education that nurtured his love for books and learning.
11. What incident involving stealing fruit does Nehru mention in “Childhood”?

Nehru mentions an incident in which he and his friends stole fruit from a neighbor’s orchard.
12. What daring escapade does Nehru describe in the chapter?

Nehru describes a daring escapade where he and his sister explored the mysterious attic of their house.
13. How does Nehru’s narrative in “Childhood” feel towards his family and home?

Nehru’s narrative in “Childhood” is infused with nostalgia, warmth, and a deep sense of attachment to his family and home.
14. What kind of stories did Nehru’s parents and grandparents share with him?

Nehru’s parents and grandparents shared stories related to India’s rich history and culture with him.
15. What did Nehru’s father, Motilal Nehru, do for a living?

Motilal Nehru was a prominent lawyer and political leader.
16. What subjects did Nehru’s tutor, Ferdinand Brooks, introduce him to?

Ferdinand Brooks introduced Nehru to a wide range of subjects, including science, literature, and philosophy.
17. What chapter is “Childhood” a part of in Nehru’s autobiography?

“Childhood” is a chapter in Nehru’s autobiography titled “The Discovery of India.”
18. What elements characterize Nehru’s narrative in “Childhood”?

Nehru’s narrative in “Childhood” is characterized by nostalgia, warmth, and a deep sense of attachment.
19. What is the central theme of “Childhood”?

The central theme of “Childhood” is the early influences and experiences that shaped Jawaharlal Nehru’s upbringing and worldview.
20. How does “Childhood” provide insights into Nehru’s life and personality?

“Childhood” provides insights into Nehru’s early life, family relationships, education, and his profound connection to India’s cultural heritage.

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