After Twenty Years question and answer

After Twenty Years

Introducing the Author:
William Sydney Porter, born in 1862 and passing away in 1910, was a renowned American writer who adopted the pen name O. Henry. He is celebrated for his mastery of the short story genre, characterized by clever wordplay, warm character development, and unexpected twists.

In “Twenty Years Later,” the narrative unfolds with Bob reappearing in the vicinity of a restaurant where he and Jimmy had parted ways two decades prior. Jimmy, now a police officer, is on his rounds at 10 o’clock, unaware of Bob’s return. As Bob stands near a closed hardware store with an unlit cigar, he knows he’ll arouse suspicion from the vigilant constable. Quickly, he reassures Jimmy, explaining that he’s not a burglar but has come to fulfill a promise made long ago – a reunion with his childhood friend to share their life achievements.

Bob proceeds to light his cigar and elaborates on the reason for choosing this isolated and dark meeting spot. He recounts the significant transformations in his life, proudly highlighting his newfound wealth and success. In admiration of Jimmy’s unwavering loyalty, Bob speaks of his friend’s practicality and commitment to their agreement, confident that Jimmy would never dismiss their pact.

As the conversation unfolds, Jimmy discreetly withdraws without revealing his true identity. Twenty minutes later, another man approaches Bob, and they exchange greetings. However, Bob soon realizes that this man has a different nose than Jimmy, leading to a startling revelation. It dawns on him that the person he was conversing with earlier was, in fact, Jimmy in plainclothes.

The stranger informs Bob that he had been interacting with Jimmy all along, who, as a constable, found it awkward to arrest his own best friend. Jimmy had discreetly left the scene and returned in plainclothes to make the arrest. The story concludes by highlighting how the two childhood friends had taken entirely different paths in life, becoming almost unrecognizable to each other, ultimately leading to an unexpected twist in their reunion.

Question and Answer


1. How does the writer describe the atmosphere of the story?
Answer: The story unfolds in the late hours of the evening on a quiet New York street. The time is 10 o’clock, and the street is shrouded in an atmosphere of stillness. Most people had retreated to their homes early due to inclement weather. Many of the businesses along the street had closed for the night, and darkness prevailed. Chilly winds and light rain added to the desolate ambiance. Only a few lights emanated from establishments like a cigar store, a whole-night hotel, and a couple of tailoring shops that were wrapping up their day’s work. The only areas with significant lighting were those beneath the street lamps. Overall, the atmosphere is described as unfavorable and unwelcoming.

2. How did the policeman perform his duties?
Answer: The policeman diligently carried out his patrol duties on the deserted street. He moved with purpose and efficiency, with his actions motivated by genuine commitment rather than mere showmanship. Despite the late hour and the closure of most businesses due to the bad weather, he maintained his vigilance. Holding a nightstick, he made careful inspections of the closed storefronts, ensuring that all was in order. With his imposing physique and brisk movements, he embodied the role of a dedicated guardian of the law. He carefully surveyed the entire peaceful street, all the while remaining on high alert. His mission for the night was to apprehend a notorious criminal from Chicago, a responsibility assigned to him by his superior. With eighteen years of dedicated service behind him, he approached this duty with unwavering confidence.

3. What picture of the wanted criminal do you get from the text?
Answer: The description of the wanted criminal provided to the policeman that morning included key details. The criminal was characterized as having a pallid complexion, a square jawline, deep and dark eyes, and a small white scar near his right eyebrow. Interestingly, the criminal’s name remained unknown, but he was involved in a serious counterfeiting operation and had connections to Chicago. The policeman carried a five-dollar note and a reconstructed photograph of this elusive criminal in his pocket.

4. How did the stranger attempt to engage with the policeman?
Answer: The stranger, who had positioned himself near a darkened hardware store, observed the approaching policeman and anticipated that he might arouse suspicion due to his presence in the area. To preempt any suspicion, he approached the officer and explained that he was simply waiting for a friend with whom he had made plans two decades earlier. While this explanation may have sounded unusual, it was indeed true. In an effort to alleviate any doubts the policeman may have had, the stranger proceeded to recount that, around twenty years prior, there had been a restaurant named “Brady’s restaurant” where the hardware store now stood. The policeman confirmed that the restaurant had indeed been converted into a store approximately five years ago. This interaction served to establish a connection between the stranger and the policeman.

5. How did the policeman get a glimpse of the stranger’s face?
Answer: As the stranger conversed with the policeman in the dimly lit area, he decided to light a cigar. Striking a match to do so, he inadvertently provided the policeman with an opportunity to catch a glimpse of his face.


1. What was the appointment made between two friends twenty years before?
Answer: Two friends at the center of the story, Bob and Jimmy Wells, had grown up like brothers in New York. When they reached adulthood, their paths diverged: Bob ventured west in pursuit of his fortune, while Jimmy remained in New York. On the day they parted ways, they shared a meal in a restaurant and made a remarkable agreement. They pledged to reunite precisely twenty years from that very date and time, regardless of the vast physical distance and differences in their life circumstances. This appointment had been forged between the two friends two decades ago.

2. What information about the friends do you gather from their conversation?
Answer: During their conversation, the man who had kept the appointment with the policeman shared some insights about their past and the intervening years. He mentioned that after parting ways, he and Jimmy had maintained contact for a year or two. However, as time passed, they gradually lost touch with each other, possibly due to the demands of their work and personal lives. He explained that, while Chicago served as his primary residence, he often traveled extensively both within and outside the city. He expressed confidence in Jimmy’s unwavering commitment to their appointment, emphasizing that Jimmy was a man of sincerity who would never forget their agreement. The man had traveled a considerable distance, covering a thousand miles, to meet his old friend once more. He remarked that it would be well worth the journey if Jimmy honored their arrangement.

The man also touched upon their respective livelihoods. He acknowledged that his income in the West was substantial, hinting at his prosperity. He believed that Jimmy’s income should be at least half of his own. While he spoke highly of Jimmy’s character, describing him as a good person, he noted that Jimmy faced a challenging environment in Chicago, where he had to compete with some of the sharpest minds in the world. The pace of life in the West was rapid, requiring relentless effort to earn a living. However, he also suggested that in contrast, life in New York could make one feel rather ordinary.

As the conversation progressed, the policeman encouraged the man to wait for Jimmy’s arrival, expressing confidence that his old friend would indeed return. The man agreed to wait for an hour, expressing his anticipation of Jimmy’s arrival. In summary, their conversation revolved around reminiscing about old times, all the while unaware of each other’s true identity.


1. How long did the man from the west wait, and what was the weather like?
Answer: The man from the west waited for approximately twenty minutes. During this time, the weather had turned inclement. The wind had grown bitterly cold, and the rain continued to fall steadily. People who had been out and about hurriedly made their way back to their homes to escape the harsh weather conditions.

2. How did the man from the west and the man in a long overcoat greet each other?
Answer: As the man from the west stood waiting at the doorway of the hardware store, a tall individual wearing a long overcoat approached him from across the street. The man, filled with doubt, inquired, “Is that you, Bob?” In response, the man from the west asked, “Is that you, Jimmy Wells?” Recognizing each other, they joyfully greeted one another with a handshake. The new arrival exclaimed, “Bless my heart,” as they shared their surprise and joy at this unexpected reunion.

3. When did Bob realize that the tall man he had met was not Jimmy Wells?
Answer: Bob, accompanied by the tall man, walked arm in arm with him until they reached the vicinity of a well-lit medicine store. In the illumination of the electric lights, Bob was finally able to see the man’s face clearly. It was at this moment that Bob abruptly stopped walking, his realization dawning upon him. He noticed that the tall man had a flat nose, whereas Jimmy Wells, his old friend, had always possessed a distinctive sharp nose. Bob came to the conclusion that the tall man he had met was not Jimmy Wells.

4. Why did Jimmy get Bob arrested?
Answer: Jimmy, who had become a police officer, was characterized by his unwavering commitment to principles, honesty, and duty. Bob, on the other hand, had taken a different path in life, becoming a professional criminal involved in the production of counterfeit currency. Despite their friendship from twenty years prior, Jimmy’s dedication to his duty superseded personal relationships. When they reunited at the hardware store, Jimmy recognized Bob as the man wanted for a serious crime in Chicago. As a result, Jimmy felt compelled to uphold the law and carry out his duty, leading to Bob’s arrest.

5. Did Jimmy keep his appointment with Bob after twenty years? What consideration did he show for his old friend?
Answer: Yes, Jimmy indeed kept his appointment with Bob after exactly twenty years. He arrived promptly at the designated hardware store, demonstrating his commitment to their agreement. However, Jimmy was also assigned the duty of apprehending a notorious criminal from Chicago. He possessed a reconstructed photograph of the wanted criminal that bore a striking resemblance to Bob’s face. Despite his strong desire to reconnect with his old friend, Jimmy’s sense of duty as a policeman took precedence. Rather than revealing his true identity to Bob, he orchestrated Bob’s arrest through another police officer who impersonated him. Jimmy’s primary consideration was fulfilling his duty as a law enforcement officer, even if it meant arresting his old friend indirectly.

Additional Question and Answer

1. Who are the main characters in “Twenty Years Later”?

The main characters are Bob and Jimmy.
2. Where does the story take place?

The story is set in the vicinity of a restaurant in New York.
3. What is the significance of the time in the story?

The time in the story is 10 o’clock at night, which marks the agreed-upon time for Bob and Jimmy’s reunion.
4. Why does Bob reassure Jimmy when they first meet?

Bob reassures Jimmy to dispel any suspicions and explains his purpose, which is to fulfill their long-ago promise of a reunion.
5. What does Bob highlight when he talks about his life achievements?

Bob emphasizes his newfound wealth and success in life.
6. How does Bob describe Jimmy’s character?

Bob admires Jimmy’s practicality and unwavering commitment to their agreement.
7. What happens when Jimmy discreetly withdraws from the conversation?

Jimmy leaves the scene without revealing his true identity.
8. Who approaches Bob twenty minutes later?

Another man approaches Bob twenty minutes later.
9. What makes Bob realize that the man he was talking to earlier was not Jimmy?

Bob notices that the man has a different nose than Jimmy.
10. Why did Jimmy return in plainclothes to the scene?

Jimmy returned in plainclothes to avoid the awkwardness of arresting his own best friend, Bob.
11. How did the story conclude?

The story concludes by highlighting the divergent paths that Bob and Jimmy’s lives have taken, making them almost unrecognizable to each other.
12. What were the significant elements of the atmosphere in the story?

The story’s atmosphere is marked by a quiet, late-night setting with chilly winds, light rain, closed businesses, and limited lighting.
13. Why did Bob choose an isolated and dark meeting spot?

Bob chose the isolated and dark spot as it was the agreed-upon location for their reunion and allowed for a discreet meeting.
14. How does Bob feel about Jimmy’s loyalty?

Bob has immense admiration for Jimmy’s unwavering loyalty and trust in their agreement.
15. What does Jimmy’s withdrawal from the conversation reveal about him?

Jimmy’s withdrawal reveals his internal struggle and discomfort in arresting his own friend.
16. How did Bob and Jimmy lose contact over the years?

Bob and Jimmy lost contact due to their busy lives and likely the physical distance between them.
17. Why did Jimmy maintain his commitment to his duty as a policeman over his friendship with Bob?

Jimmy prioritized his duty as a policeman and the apprehension of a criminal over his friendship with Bob.
18. What is the central twist in the story?

The central twist in the story is that Bob unknowingly converses with Jimmy, who has become a policeman, and only realizes the truth later.
19. How does the story explore the theme of change over time?

The story highlights how two childhood friends have changed significantly over the years, making it difficult for them to recognize each other.
20. What emotions or feelings are evoked by the story’s conclusion?

The conclusion of the story evokes a sense of irony and the idea that life can lead friends down very different paths, sometimes leading to unexpected outcomes.

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